
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Another Passing

It is with a heavy heart that I share the news that my Grandma Ardy passed away early this morning. Just two weeks ago we buried my Grandma Merna and that same day me Grandma Ardy was hospitalized for heart failure and pneumonia. Later that week my Grandma fell and she was not recovering well. The other day my Grandma asked my mom to call my Grandpa and tell him that she wouldn't be home, my Grandpa passed away when I was just four months old. I was so saddened by her deterioration. It is hard to have lost two Grandmas in two weeks, but they are both in a much better place. When I told Eli this morning, his reaction was much different than it was with Grandma Merna's passing. This week he went to the care facility that my Grandma Merna lived in for a Memorial Service there and he realized that he wouldn't see her again. Today when I told him about Grandma Ardy he said "but I don't want to not see her". It is such a hard concept to explain. I am thankful that in time he will understand, and I hope that he can keep his memories of my Grandma's with him. I am thankful that the Lord has taken her home, but still saddened by our loss. I am thankful that she is at home with her husband and God and is no longer confused, but I am sad that my boys won't know her better. I will miss my Grandma, but I am thankful that the Lord has her by his side.


  1. So sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine losing one grandma, let alone two in such a short amount of time. ((HUGS)).
