
Friday, March 25, 2011

Possibly the Cutest Picture Ever....and some randomness!

Ian after falling asleep the other night while reading!  Love, love, love this picture!

* I really need to start taking more pictures of the boys!  I have been in a photo slump lately and I really need to remember to get the camera out more.  I usually grab my phone and take pictures, but they just aren't as good as with my "real" camera!
*Eli loved Kindergarten Round Up! He did a great job and is ready to start kindergarten. I am proud to say that I did not shed one tear at Round Up! I however AM NOT ready for my baby to start Kindergarten!!!
*Ian has started telling me "I'm not your baby Mom" and it breaks my heart...he will climb up in my lap, give me a hug and look up at me and smile and tell me he's not a baby.  How did he get so big???
*Eli is doing great in swimming lessons.  He is very reserved and a bit timid, but this week he jumped off the side while sitting down and did the back float all by himself! This is huge for him because he has been very hesitant to do this even with assistance. I guess it finally clicked!
*Ian is a daredevil in all aspects of life and swimming is no different.  We are doing a Mom and Tot class now and he loves it! He jumps from standing on the side and launches himself about four feet from the side, giggling and laughing all the way. From the first lesson he tries to push himself away from me and just wants to go!  He scares the dickens out of me!
*We are getting bunkbeds tomorrow!  I am going to take some before and after pictures of their room and will post soon.  Eli is very excited about the bunkbeds and can't wait to sleep on the top bunk. When I asked Ian if he was ready for a big boy bed he said "No, I sleep in my crib".  So much for the daredevil, huh?

PS - Shannon....I need a link to your blog. I know you went private and I can't get to your blog!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Four and A Half Months!

So, I have been absent again for several months....not that anyone really misses my blogging or anything, but this is supposed to be my baby book/scrapbook/ memory keeper and at that I have been awful!  So, here are a few random things I want to get recorded! 
* Eli has kindergarten round-up this Friday!  How can it be that my baby is going to be going to kindergarten?!?!  He is SO excited! His best friend from preschool is going to the same session and then we are having a lunch/play date with him.  This year the school has decided to have the parents attend an informative meeting while the kiddos stay for round-up and I am glad that I will be there if Eli needs anything.....not that he will, but just in case!
*Ian is 2 1/2!!! He has recently taken to curling up in my lap, giving me a big hug and then proceeds to tell me that he is not my baby anymore.  BOO-HOO!  I literally almost cried the first time he said it!
*Eli is loving the spring weather, he has spent the past two afternoons outside exploring and getting dirty. He is so happy being outside and it has really helped adjust to daylight savings time.
*Ian has had a whole host of medical appointments lately and thankfully everything is turning out well. We had a scare with a heart murmur appearing and had to have a recheck on that. It was a pretty bad murmur while he was sick (which I was told was common), but when we went for a recheck it was much less severe.  Just something to keep an eye on. We had to have an upper GI series done due to some concerns with him choking and vomiting. Everything turned out normal, he just seems to have a severely sensitve gag reflex. We are continuing to have eye exams every three months and will continue this for a while. The glasses are helping to strengthen his weak eye, but he may need a stronger prescription. Each time we go he is getting more cooperative, so hopefully in the next six months we will be able to get a more accurate prescription, but for now we are continuing with the one we have. We may also be looking at patching his "good" eye in the future too. We had his first dental appointment and he has one tooth that is kind of a sideways underbite....strange, but just one more thing to keep an eye on!
*I am going to really, sincerely try to keep updating on a regular basis!!! 
Happy Spring everyone!